Once again, property taxes have risen nearly across the board in Baltimore County, Maryland. Every property owner that I’ve spoken to online and off told me that they will be paying the government more money this year. This reality infuriates me, to put it mildly.

A common street thug who demands your wallet at knife or gunpoint? You have a chance to fight back. But the government? They are the biggest thug bullies in town. They do whatever they want because modern day Americans are the high school equivalent of the nerdy dweebs, getting stuffed into lockers.

I took a gander through the 2022 Baltimore County Council candidates’ campaign literature. I also scooped an old Johnny Olszewski, Jr. flyer out of the recycling bin. Not a single one of them had “I support raising property taxes” on their bullet points…or anywhere on their websites, for that matter. Funny how that works.

Liars and thieves…that’s the Baltimore County Government’s higher ups for you! The reason they get away with this massive amount of stealing? Because County’s taxpayers tolerate it. That’s ultimately the bottom line….we the people accept this abusive relationship. The proof? I don’t see people filling the Towson Government Building’s pews and using their three minutes of public comment to tell these felonious thieves off to their faces. Fully exercising their first amendment rights, as a warning to these public servants who seem to have forgotten exactly who they serve. No…unfortunately, the super vast majority will just pay their additional extortion fees, because they don’t want the government to steal their homes. “Go along to get along”, the classic idiom goes.

Going along to get along is not how this nation’s Founders envisioned our country. It certainly isn’t how we secured this great nation’s freedoms, that’s a fact. When over taxation along with disrespect for civil liberties is occurring, we should do something to put a stop to it. Imagine if you or I threatened to steal government property unless they paid us a specific sum of money…they’d laugh at us and if we tried to collect on that invoice, they’d slap handcuffs on us real quick! As they should…there should be zero tolerance for swindlers. Unfortunately, regular everyday citizens accept the threats as the norm and shrug our collective shoulders. Sad.

If we all united and refused to pay the additional excessive fees that they tacked on this year, the government couldn’t auction all of our houses off! Especially if the individuals responsible for selling property that doesn’t belong to them (tax sales) have severe consequences for their actions. Fear is a powerful motivator, as we learned during the years 2020-2022 Lockdown Era. This kind of nonsense would have never been tolerated during the 18th century. It doesn’t need to be tolerated in the 21st century.

Look, I completely understand that a government cannot function without taxes. But in a time period where prices for nearly EVERYTHING are going up, couldn’t the Baltimore County Government cut its constituents–you know, the people who gave them their jobs–some slack until the economy settles down? No…because in my opinion they are greedy bastards who don’t want to cut back their budget. Instead, they demand more and more from us because they can…until they can’t anymore.

I’m looking forward to the day tax extortionists get dealt with. Take that statement as you will…it’s not a threat, just an inevitability unless this upward thievery trend is reversed. People can only be abused so much until they decided to leave toxic relationships (move out of the County or out of Maryland entirely) or fight back against their abusers. They want to play this boiling frog game–increasing the amount they steal every year just a little bit in hopes that people don’t notice it too much?

Here’s a modest proposal: rip that Band Aid off! Increase the property taxes 500% across the board so that we can get this party started a little sooner rather than later! I dare you to do that, Baltimore County Government! I dare you to raise the taxes into the stratosphere. C’mon…what are you afraid of?